Acnexus Review

Rated: 3 out of 10

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Acne is the most common skin condition and affects millions of people of all ages. Since the National Institute of Health and other health organizations have recommended the use of over-the-counter acne treatments, a flood of products have entered the market and made it difficult for the average consumer to tell the difference between the products that work and those that do not.

In order to help the consumer, we have assembled a team of reviewers to discover the effectiveness and value of some of the most prominent acne products. One of these products is Acnexus. Acnexus boasts it is “the most convenient, effective, and affordable acne treatment in the world.” The website also claims that Acnexus prevents breakouts, heals blackheads and gets rid of oily skin all within 24 hours. Such claims would make Acnexus a true miracle treatment and we were eager to see the results for ourselves.

What is Acnexus?

Acnexus is yet another product claiming the title of “world’s best acne treatment” with no backing other than their own website. The all-natural treatment of Acnexus is supposed to work in a single step. The website claims this single step will:

  • Cleanse
  • Nourish
  • Exfoliate
  • Repair
  • Renew
  • Revitalize
  • Moisturize
  • Supplement

These are some amazing claims and we were hard-pressed to understand why the manufacturers of a product that does as much as Acnexus does would choose to remain anonymous. The only contact information for the company is a sales email address to

The website also tells us that Acnexus works on 99% of all people. This is all done with only a twice-daily application to the face after a warm rinse. Further claims state you will actually feel the dead skin cells being removed from your face. What exactly is in this miracle product?

Acnexus Ingredients

Acnexus wants everyone to know right off the bat that their product contains no mineral oil, soap, or benzoyl peroxide. We thought this odd, since benzoyl peroxide is the most effective over-the-counter treatment for acne there is and top authorities advocate its use. Instead, Acnexus chose to use a blend of 27 oils, extracts, and herbs – most of which are good for the skin, but none have any documented proof of treating acne. The ingredients of Acnexus are:

  • Aloe Vera – good for the treatment of wounds and burns. It is soothing but does not get rid of acne.
  • White willow bark – contains small amounts of salicin which is related to salicylic acid but doesn’t have the same properties.
  • Chaparral – used by Native Americans to treat STDs and chicken pox, Canada issued an official warning that it causes a risk of liver and kidney damage.
  • Gotu kola – an anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory.
  • Alfalfa – has no effect on skin.0
  • Valerian root – an herbal tranquilizer that is known to cause skin rash and hives.
  • Green tea – can help skin with its anti-oxidant properties.
  • Walnut shell – an effective scrub ingredient that helps to clear away dead skin.
  • Redmond clay – for moisturizing and cleaning pores.
  • Vegetable glycerin – a lubricant.
  • Jojoba – a moisturizer
  • Oatmeal – another exfoliater.
  • Avocado – an oil that penetrates into the skin.
  • MSM – Acnexus claims it is a form of sulfur but it has very dissimilar effects and is not a verified acne treatment.
  • Clary Sage – for fragrance.
  • Ylang ylang – another fragrance.
  • Bergamot oil – another fragrance.
  • Chamomile oil – possible treatment for eczema but not acne.
  • Frankincense oil – may help wounds.
  • Geranium essential oil – minor antiseptic.
  • Jasmine essential oil – fragrance.
  • Juniper oil – no known skin benefits.
  • Lavender oil – fragrance.
  • Palmarosa oil – no known benefits.
  • Parchouli oil – we assume this is a misspelling of patchouli. Either way, it does nothing for skin.
  • Rosemary oil – no benefits but can cause allergic reactions.
  • Vitamin E oil – and finally, one more ingredient that is actually beneficial for the skin. However, it doesn’t cure acne alone.

Buy Acnexus

You can buy Acnexus online on the Acnexus website for $29.95. The website claims Acnexus retails for $59.95 but we were unable to find a single location that sells it. Acnexus has a lifetime guarantee on one open bottle per customer.

Does Acnexus Work?

None of our reviewers found Acnexus to help with their acne. Acnexus is not effective and we assumed as much from their unreal boasts and list of ineffective ingredients. As a moisturizing skin tonic, Acnexus has some effect, but it did absolutely nothing for the treatment of acne. To find an acne product that works and is affordable, read the rest of our acne treatment reviews.